Caravan (2019)
‘Caravan’, an Australian comedy written by Donald MacDonald, takes a light-hearted look at friendship, age and holidays you should never have. Five best friends, nudging forty and hating it, take their first holiday together in a caravan. One of them brings along his new, and all-too-young girlfriend, who threatens the holiday from the start. In the confined space of a caravan, tensions rise and the laughs begin.
PERFORMANCES September 13th - September 15th, 2019 @ Stratford Courthouse Theatre September 20th, 2019 @ Newry Hall September 21st, 2019 @ Heyfield Memorial Hall CAST Penny Robinson - Peta Crawford Parkes Robinson - John Bridgeman Monica Rice - Sarah D'Arcy Rodney Rice - Luke Goldsmith Gwendolyn - Brittany Telfer Pierce - Calvin Capraro CREW Director - Grant van Brummelen Stage Manager - Ann Roffe Production Manager - Alison McNair Set Design - Brian Teese, Gavin Roberts, John Bridgeman Technical Director - Brendan Peters Properties - Stacey Richardson |